Hot Thread Kaskus 23 Oktober 2010
Thread Setter: HEARTFREAK
Mencengangkan!!Fenomena alam ini tanpa kita sadari ternyata benar nyata . Bahkan kadang-kadang lebih aneh daripada fiksi. Di alam sekitar kita. Sebagian besar waktu transformasi ini jatuh ke blind spot kita, tetapi 10 dari hal ini sangat lah Rugi jika kita abaikan .. so Cekidot
From the egg to the grotesque caterpillar , then on to the pupa/cacoon to the beautiful butterfly… poets have used the butterfly life cycle as the inspiration for many a poem. Many species, such as the monarch butterfly, run though their entire 4 stage cycle and die in the span of 40 days. Warmer climates make the life cycle spin faster than in colder areas.
2. Semut Menyantap Cicak
Semut, orang-orang biasanya mengabaikan binatang tersebut, tetapi mereka adalah Terminator yang hidup di alam ...semut mampu mengangkat beban sampai 20 kali berat badan mereka sendiri (ibarat kita angkat 3 kuda di atas punggung kita ) . Untuk meletakkan dalam perspektif itu, bayangkan seperti orang rata-rata mengangkat seekor kuda di atas kepalanya, dan kemudian melemparkan dua lagi di atas itu untuk mengukur apa yang diangkat oleh semut.
3. Laut Menjadi Merah

Sometimes the sea get’s anxious for Judgement Day to come, and gives us a preview by turning the waters the color of blood. This is known as a Red tide, and is completely natural (as far as blood-like water can be, anyway). The Red tide, which is caused by thick pockets of phytoplankton algae, can also be toxic and has been known to take fish and birds alike to see the maker.
4. Katak Merubah Jenis Kelamin nya sendiri

Sebuah tim ilmuwan Jerman menemukan bahwa katak dapat beralih gender dalam cara yang sama manusia beralih merek deterjen . Selama percobaan, tujuh dari katak betina mulai berkembang biak dan kemudian Bertukar nodul testis. itu ketika tujuh dari katak mantan-wanita mulai bersenggama dengan katak lain nya. Hebatnya 70% dari keturunan "sekunder laki-laki" tumbuh menjadi katak kecil normal. Ini benar-benar sebuah transformasi menakjubkan!
5. Gerhana Matahari
The lunar eclipse happens when the Earth casts a shadow on the moon, getting in between it and the sun. This video is of the much cooler solar eclipse where the Sun, the moon and the Earth align. The moon blocks sun’s rays, casting and impressive and slightly intimidating shadow onto the Earth
6. Glaciers

Several periods of glaciation caused major changes to the valleys and landforms. Glaciers 2000 feet thick flowed through the valley carved by the Merced. These glaciers carved away the bottom of the valley from a V- to the broader U-shape which is seen today in Yosemite park.
7. Aurora Borealis

Clouds of ions, or charged particles, “blow” off of the sun at almost 800 miles per hour before hitting the Earth’s magnetic field. The ions that are trapped smash into the ionosphere’s gases, glowing brightly in the process. This transformation of energy is known as the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights.
8. Tidal Waves (Gelombang Pasang Surut)

Siapa yang tidak kenal Tsunami , Seluruh masyarakat telah hancur dari muka bumi ini dari kekuatan tsunami (gelombang pasang).Tsunami bagaikan tangan Tuhan, Bencana itu menggapai dari sebuah pinggiran pantai sampai ke tengah kota , mencakar jauh sepanjang garis pantai, dan dipicu oleh perpindahan dan penerobosan yang cepat dari air.
9. Sink Holes

Sometimes Hades opens its mouth and devours vast swaths of land in a single gulp. What you’re looking at is a sink hole, and they are formed when soil deep below the surface is displaced by things like groundwater or broken pipes. The results are devastating, sometimes leading to city blocks falling hundreds of feet into the darkness below.
10. Denmark’s Black Sun
Black Sun is a Danish phenomenon, when flocks of birds literally blot out the sun. They seem to make designs as they fly, weaving back in forth in thick black waves of feather and beak. You can see the phenomena for yourself from March to April and again from September through October.
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